Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another review? You've got to be kiding me!

Stardust The Movie:
The movie was better the book. I would probably give it a four and a half star rating. With extra points for the discreteness of "those" scenes. *wink* Overall the plot is very original and the humor is better than most fairytale love stories too.

Stardust the book Neil Gaimen:

I give the book three stars as in I liked it, but was probably less clever than the movie. *le-gasp* ANd points off for the language and not discrete enough "scenes". Must I say.. Say no more.


Victoria said...

I have not seen the movie, or read the book. I'll have to check this one out. Thanks.

BTW, I love the review where you say "le gasp".

teacherninja said...

That was a fun movie. I love Gaiman but tend to not read books if I see the movie first and so probably won't read it. It's a rare film that's better or as good as the book. I can only think of a handful.

Rachel said...

That's true. Often they leave out scenes or they change your favorite ones, but in this they made very single one better.

Sue said...

Very good review. Wink wink! I must see the movie.


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