Tuesday, May 26, 2009

what an uneventful evening.

IT"S SUMMER FOR PETE"S SAKE DO SOMETHING! (If anyone has any knowledge of who the heck pete is call me!) Well I slept in and sorted clothes. fun. I am hopeing we will go loitering around the library later. Hopefully.well Tis all. I think. Drama Camp starts 1 monday of June Or June 1st. And Noahs also has Twilight camp those days. Then later the 14-19th of June is Budding Authors college for kids at Mercer University! I will be hopeing that Grandpa will pick me up again. (please confirm) Oh well Pip pip cheerio!


Sue said...

Are the roses still pretty and smelling sweet? I am enjoying mine, as well.
You have lots of fun camps coming up and I can hardly wait to hear all about them. Are you going to be a DRAMA QUEEN?

JP2E said...

Looking forward to summer with my "co-author". Sounds like you are going to have a great big, super fun summer!!!
See ya' soon...

Michael Taylor said...

I'll pick you up at least three of the days. It'll be mom or grandpa the other days.


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